Keeping our heritage alive ......

The Honey Harbour Historical Society works to keep the history and stories of the Honey Harbour area so that everyone can share in our heritage.
Honey Harbour is not just a hamlet on Georgian Bay, it is the hub of a large community of local people and cottagers. Together, they developed the area and culture. It is difficult for the society to carve out a specific boundary for the Honey Harbour area. Our history is the stories of local people and people from far away who enjoy our country.
We are always looking for people to tell us their stories, share their pictures and other memorabilia of the area. We want you to enjoy the originals so we can video tape, copy, photograph or scan your items for our use.
Enjoy your very own copy of our history book, 25 years in the making. Readers have told us that they go back to it time and time again for the pictures, interesting anecdotes and historical references.
We are now working on a history of Beausoleil Island and the Fairmiles built in Honey Harbour so we are particularly interested in items on these areas.